I likewise experience this all the time. I have studied human personality theories for years. In my many years of helping individuals make sense of their individual talents, interests, and skills in application to the work world, I have concluded exactly as stated in the title of this blog entry: Personality is Everything. In using two of the most highly respected of career assessments, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (deals with personality) and the Strong Interest Inventory (deals with human interests), I am amazed at how consistently descriptors about human behaviors are easily attributable to personality differences. While we develop interests and skills from life experience, these experiences form our personality.
In my consulting, I draw on 37 pages of description of the client's personality to discuss many aspects of how they understand the world, make decisions, structure their world and relate to others to solidify a grounded career choice. Because personality is everything, the myriad elements of the client's personality is revealed from the reports. Much more than a list of best fit professions, client meetings become a discussion of essential motivators of the client: reasons why they did this, enjoy this, prefer that, etc. and how all of this coincides with particular professions, work settings, work roles, etc. If you are ready for this kind of in-depth analysis of yourself toward creating an overall focused life, we at EPIC Career are ready to help.